Formed in 1989

The NZBGBA was formed in 1989 after the import of the first Boer goats in the mid-1980’s. The main purpose was to create a stud registry for the breeding of Boer goats in New Zealand.

Over the years the NZBGBA has developed a Strategic Plan with the following objectives:

  • maintain a registry of Boer goat breeders in New Zealand;
  • promote the breeding of Boer goats in New Zealand;
  • promote the production of meat by Boer goats in New Zealand;
  • liaise with other meat industry partners and participate in the development of the goat meat industry;
  • supply information for the farming of Boer goats in New Zealand;
  • support the Boer goat breeders in New Zealand;
  • promote and support competitions at agricultural shows.

The Boer goat has been specifically bred for meat and is regarded as the world's premier meat goat. Goat meat is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and the most widely red meat eaten in the world.

Boer goats do well on their own, but are also good grazing companions to cattle and, to a lesser extent sheep, particularly, if they are in an environment where they can browse. Goats can significantly assist with pasture management as they have the ability to graze most broadleaf plants that other livestock leave behind.